Pasta-making Classes


Introduction—Egg Dough:

Learning the method of making artisan pasta all’ uovo (egg pasta) with a focus on perfecting the dough and learning basic flat/unfilled shapes.


Intermediate—Egg Dough:

Review of dough-making method and learning challenging unfilled pasta shapes.


Advanced I—Egg Dough:

Review of dough-making method and learning basic filled-pasta shapes.


Advanced II—Egg Dough:

Review of dough-making method and learning technically challenging filled-pasta shapes.


Eggless Dough—“00” Flour:

Learning the method for eggless pasta dough using solely the authentic Italian “Double-Zero” (aka: “00”, “tipo”, “doppio zero”) flour and water and making several shapes.


Eggless Dough—Semolina Flour:

Learning the method for eggless pasta dough made with only water and the classic flour often utilized for dried pasta and making several shapes.



Classes are designed for private, hands-on instruction for one student (or possibly two provided they know each other).

Classes are scheduled at mutually agreed-upon dates and times.

Classes generally run 2.5-3 hours in length.

E-Mail for class fees and other inquiries.